Signs of Highly Intelligent Person
somewhere I read a beautiful line...
The problem is nothing but is a bundle of small problems just try to unbound them and separate them into small pieces. Such a beautiful line by an intellectual person.
Sometimes I am just wondering, are intelligent persons are different from folks or they are in them having different thinking. Just find some sign why those are called intelligent.
Think Different
The problem is nothing but is a bundle of small problems just try to unbound them and separate them into small pieces.
When we are always worried about our problems just have a look at the above sentence. An intelligent person resolves a big problem in small pieces and now busy finding solutions to small problems obviously solution will be easy and small.
They have just different thinking towards life, toward problems, and towards solutions.
Be Clear
Be clear, with these two words, I want to say you should always clear on your words and decisions.
A sign of intelligent personality is if he says one sentence, either he says one time or thousands of times, the words will be the same. This is a symbol of strongness and also people will start believing in you if you really stand by your words.
Be clear on your words, never change decisions again and again, if you have to change there should be a reason behind it.
First, make a decision strongly and then stand by it. Actually, it is a hack for success, and if plan things properly then why will fail. You will always go ahead, this saves your time, and you will be an authority on which people can believe. Also, if some things are out of your box, I mean to say, you cant do some task as it is out of your field, at a time refuse it. Say no with confidence as everyone is an expertise in their own field and cant do all types of work. So, also learn to say No. Be clear, Be confident.
An intelligent person is always crystal clear and makes decisions strongly as well as quickly.
Learn from Mistakes
Who is perfect here? No one. Everyone has done mistakes. But the smartness is that you just learned from your mistakes and never done it again. Every day, we are doing a new thing, and can do some mistakes also but what if tomorrow. I am not only wasting my time but also my energy. Always learn a lesson from bitter experiences.
No, never hesitate to do a new task, if you do some mistakes it totally okay but not good if you repeat them, just learn new things from your mistakes. And the most interesting thing is here is you will learn this lesson very fastly. Just feel it.
Be intelligent. Be Smart.
Always try to do the work which you will enjoy and can give 100% results, this work gives you satisfaction and you will be focused on your work. But this is not always necessary to have your interesting work. Just chill, try to involve in it.
In this situation, the best solution is that never leave your work tomorrow. Just do it right now as much as possible so that you will not feel Baden about your job. Just do it with your full concentration. Try this solution, you will take interest in your work and never be distracted.
Comparison is a mathematical term that says comparison should be done only with similar elements. But people are habituated to do comparisons in real life. And this thing is more disgusting because if you compared with someone, your mind always follows his activities and you want to do things similar way.
An intelligent person is always a focused person.
An intelligent person never compares themselves with others.
There is a lot to continue but I am ending this topic here with a thought. Please consider it.
Society always gives a massive priority to intelligence. One always feels pressure to be smart and intellectual. Never forget to give value to kindness and respect. Everyone has their own nature, their own personality. Each has its own value, Please consider humanity first.
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