Loneliness and its causes

 Loneliness and its causes

Why nowadays, people feel lonely. Do you ever think about it? Is not this is very strange. If you have some time to think about it and I will find I am right. Today, most people are alone even in-crowd. They are lonely in their mind. Today, let's find the reasons behind this.   

See, depression and loneliness are two different things. Loneliness is a state of mind and depression is a mental health issue. But they are somewhat similar to each other.    

Loneliness is a state of mind where people feels alone and you can say they are solitary that wants to stay away from crowd or noise. They are not introverts but they don't want to say on any topic or don't want to participate in any gossip. The matter is here that why?

I think many factors are here like competition in the academy and in the carrier, depression, busy lifestyle, unsuccess, and many more. Let us talk about it one by one.    


Competition sounds like a tight schedule but don't you feel this word is everywhere now? In academic, In carrier, in life, just competition is everywhere. 

Competition is everywhere. This statement is now a daily life statement. But this is not as simple as it seems. Sometimes it can also be a dangerous thing.     
The pressure of a carrier in this competitive world is very heavy and everyone can't handle it easily. From childhood, a student wants an excellent result, wants a 100% score. Can everyone have? 

Sometimes, this competition plays a big role in a student or professional's life. By losing a success for 1 or 2 marks, someone can be depressed or can feel that much sadness which slowly becomes loneliness. Should boost our mind. Competition is not important than our life, our happiness. Be happy and stay healthy is important than anything, success can achieve again.  A shining flower has its own existence.   


 Expectation gives the courage to get success. But sometimes it leads to depression and loneliness.     

Success is a dream of everyone but in reality, someone can achieve it and someone can't.   
unsuccessful life is very difficult for everyone.  
In this case, someone can be supported by his family members, his friend, and his colleague. Every time there is hope.   But someone here to support him, to encourage him. And sometimes in the absence of a supporter, a person with his failure of expectation gets depressed. Feel lonely. The world seems like an empty room for him. Day by day his negativity surrounds him and controls him. So he can't come out from this situation which is called depression. ALSO TEACH YOUR CHILD, HOW TO FIGHT WITH FAILURE. 

The expectation is a very good thing and having courage but do control it otherwise causes loneliness.

Everyone is busy in their life. A fraction of a second can be used in our life.   
But why this statement is used here. Is a busy lifestyle and depression are related to each other.  
Yes, nowadays most of the parents are working. They work together for their family, but sometimes this is not good. Everyone can't manage professional life and personal life simultaneously. In-home, a child needs parents to support, a lovely environment with them. But in this situation, parents have not enough time to spend with their child. Instead of understanding, they ignore them. And this leads to loneliness in the child.   
Parents can't understand, the mental situation of their child.  And day by day child feels sadness, loneliness. A child can't share his problems or feelings with his parents. And this situation converted to depression. This situation also helps a child to habituated with mobile or social media. And without any control, social media can also lead to mental illness or depression.  KEEP A CORNER OF YOUR LIFE EMPTY FOR YOUR CHILD SO THAT THEY CAN ENJOY EVERY DAY  WITH YOU RATHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA OR ANYTHING ELSE.    


A mature person can live life according to him, not according to life. He understands the situation of life, can control desire, and find a solution to any problem. But what will happen in immaturity?   
Just the opposite.   
So an immature person lives life according to life. This is cool yet everything is going good, but if any problem occurs. Cant any control on situation or desire. Can't tackle any problem.  And he goes to the depth of any problem day by day. So if everything will opposite to him, Can he controls his mind, Can face the situation, Can have hope? NO.So this situation leads to disturbances, lack f concentration, sleeplessness because of anxiety, and causes mental illness and depression. Maturity can be learned from any book or any person but with a difficult situation.   



A   glowing flower is more beautiful than a dull one although they both are a flower, a sign of beauty. 

Please consider those reasons and just avoid to be alone.   

Please share because sharing is caring. 
